The gravel deposits of Clanio and Acqualonga creeks (southern-central Campania): Stratigraphic significance and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction
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A stratigraphic study has been carried out on the continental deposits of the Clanio-Acqualonga valley, central-eastern side of Campanian Plain (Noia, Napoli). An extensive development of alluvial deposits formed mainly by carbonate gravels were recognised on the bottom of the valley. Such deposits laterally pass to alluvial fans along the right side of the valley. The age of the gravel deposits can be inferred among 37 ka and 10 ka by the occurence of several dated volcanic layers. The recognising of oligotypical continental molluscal-bearing deposits interbedded in the gravel unit allowed some inferences about palaeoenviron-ment in this time span. Such a stratigraphic record has been correlated, using tephra layers as markers, with pollen data from Lago Grande di Monticchio and δ18O curve from a Mediterranean sea core. Malacological, isotopie and pollen data suggest cold and arid climate during the deposition of the gravel bodies. This phase of sedimentation is correlable with the stage 2 of marine isotope stratigraphy. During the Holocene clastic sedimentation was reduced. Finally, we propose the formal use of the carbonate gravel unit as formation.
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