Tectonic phases, volcanic phenomena and geomorphology in the Monte Casale di San Basilio zone, along the Hyblean Mountains north margin (Eastern Sicily)
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A geological and geomorphologic study of a little zone along the Hyblean Mountains north margin, on the border of Catania Plane, was carried out. This zone is localized in the Northern part of Hyblean Foreland, which represents a undeformed part of Pelagian Block. A succession formed by basic submarine volcanic rocks, where early Pleistocene conglomerates and calcarenites evolving to clays are intercalated, outcrop in this area. The sediments have been already studied by several researchers; the volcanic products present a great variability in facies; these features depend either by different volcanic processes or by variability of environment; for this reason, it is possible to find submarine or subaereal lavas, effusive and explosive volcanic products, in this paper an analysis of volcanic rocks and of their genetic was performed. Geological and volcanological evolution of the area is based on detailed stratigraphic sections. The obtained picture shows that during Pleistocene this zone was characterized by a shallow submarine environment, in which some little volcanoes were active; their products filled the basin causing local changes of the sea level. Five fault sistems were recognized on the field; these were responsible for several volcanic eruptions, some submarine, others subaereal. At last, principal morphologic features were described; they depend on strong tectonic activity which affected this area during Quaternary time, and on regional uplift.
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