Report on the Geoevent “DISCOVERING VOLCANOES”, sponsored by AIQUA, at the Vesuvius Observatory Museum (INGV)

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Mauro Antonio Di Vito
Giovanni Ricciardi
Tullia Uzzo
Sandro de Vita


A brief summary of the activities carried out on 20th October 2012 at the Vesuvius Observatory Museum for the Geoevent of Planet Earth Week, “Discovering Volcanoes”, sponsored by AIQUA.

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How to Cite
Di Vito, Mauro Antonio, Giovanni Ricciardi, Tullia Uzzo, and Sandro de Vita , trans. 2013. “Report on the Geoevent ‘DISCOVERING VOLCANOES’, Sponsored by AIQUA, at the Vesuvius Observatory Museum (INGV) ”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 26 (2): iii-v.