About the suitability of introducing sediments provenance basin in geological mapping of plains.

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V. Anselmo
F. Carraro
S. Lucchesi


During the field survey of a wide area of the Piemonte plain around Torino, following allostratigraphic criteria, the introduction of the sediments provenance basin has been considered an essential parameter to distinguish single units: this seems to be an irremissible information both for a correct reconstruction of local geological evolution and for applied researches in land use. In this particular case neither the important fluvial deviations that affected the Piemonte plain in Late Upper Pleistocene - Holocene nor that the present Po river channel is mainly developed in sediments of the Tanaro basin nor that the Sangone river flows on sediments of the Dora Riparia basin would have been recognised without introducing sediments provenance basin. These circumstances have important implications in gravel quarring, in evaluating the excavation-filling balance and the trend evolution of rivers and in choosing the typology and setting of hydraulic structures. 

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How to Cite

About the suitability of introducing sediments provenance basin in geological mapping of plains. (V. Anselmo, F. Carraro, & S. Lucchesi , Trans.). (2022). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 14(1), 55-60. https://amq.aiqua.it/index.php/amq/article/view/654