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A. Rossi, A. Tertulliani & M. Vecchi, Macroseismic study of the June 24, 1958 earthquake, L’Aquila (Central Italy).
(IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2005).
This paper deals with the macroseismic review of the June 24, 1958 event, that struck the Middle Aterno Valley, near L’Aquila, with
M=5.0 and epicentral intensity of VII-VIII MCS. The main goal of the study was to enlarge the knowledge about this event, comparing it
to the historical seismicity in the area and to the seismotectonic context. Research in public archives allowed us to retrieve unpublished documents useful in deepening the earthquake knowledge. Following the revision the number of intensity points passes from 14,
as in recent catalogues, to 223. The number of damaged localities increases from 12 to 19. The greatest contribution to the increasing
of the knowledge of this earthquake comes from the re-appraisal of the Seismic Cards, hold in the INGV macroseismic archive. After
the revision new source parameters have been computed according to Gasperini and Ferrari (1995) and Gasperini et al. (1999): the epicentral intensity results VII MCS, and the Me (macroseismic magnitude) remains fixed to 5.0.
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