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Neri Ciaranfi
Enrico Di Stefano
Fabrizio Lirer
Patrizia Maiorano
Maria Marino
Domenico Rio
Rodolfo Sprovieri
Simona Stefanelli
Gianbattista Vai


N. Ciaranfi, E. Di Stefano, F. Lirer, P. Maiorano, M. Marino, D. Rio, R. Sprovieri, S. Stefanelli & G. Vai, The Calabrian
The proposal of using the Calabrian Stage to indicate the Lower Pleistocene has been accepted by international community of
Quaternary scientists: the base of this stage is coincident with the GSSP in the Vrica section in Calabria, almost coincident with the top
of Olduvai paleomagnetic event at 1.81 M.y. B.P. The top of the Calabrian Stage is conventionally located at the Matuyama-Brunhes
magnetic reversal, whose age is 0.78 M.y. B.P.
The stratigraphic interval of the Calabrian is almost fully exposed in several stratigrahic sections outcropping in Southern Italy: in particular Calabria and Sicily land sections show the lowest portion of the stage, including the GSSP; the youngest part of the Calabrian
succession is well represented in two stratigraphic sections in Crotone area and in the Southern Apennine Foredeep (Lucania Basin).
The same stratigraphic interval has been drilled in several ODP Sites in Southern Thyrrenian and Jonian seas.

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How to Cite

IL PIANO CALABRIANO (N. Ciaranfi, E. Di Stefano, F. Lirer, P. Maiorano, M. Marino, D. Rio, R. Sprovieri, S. . Stefanelli, & G. Vai , Trans.). (2008). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 21(1A), 23-28.