CAESAR: un modello per la simulazione delle dinamiche d'alveo
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Coulthard T., De Rosa P., Marchesini I.: CAESAR: a model to simulate river dynamics. (IT ISSN 03943356, 2008).
CAESAR is a two dimensional CA (Cellular Automata) model used to simulate the morphological changes of watersheds and rivers. For
every model iteration, a DEM of a river basin is modified according to the water and sediment fluxes and/or to the rainfall data entered
by the user. CAESAR was initially designed to simulate the geomorphologic response of river catchment to changes in climate or land
cover for relevant time scales. More recent developments of the model allows users to model over smaller time and space scales and
in more complex morphological situation (river meandering, for example).
This paper aims to describe CAESAR and its capabilities to the Italian scientific community, where it is still almost unknown. Some
applications are shown to simulate the presence of hydraulics works interfering with the stream.
A flow and sediment transport model indeed allows to better evaluate the functionality of hydraulic features of the river and to forecast its effects on the river bed-alluvial plain system.
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