Il contributo della cartografia pedologica alla conoscenza e messa in valore delle coperture quaternarie

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F. Previtali
R. Rasio


During the soil survey program of Lombardy (Northern Italy) more than 700,000 hectars have been surveyed; survey is in progress for a remaining 300,000 hectars. Soil maps have been published at 1:25,000 or 1:50,000 scale (order 3 soil survey according to the Soil Survey Manual). Soil map units are described using families of Soil Taxonomy, and correlated in a regional framework. In this paper the relationships between soil taxa and landforms are discussed, with particular reference to the identification and the stratigraphy of Pleistocene and Holocene surfaces. These surfaces are typical of the Po plain and very important for land use management of the Lombardy ecosystems. Soil survey results are used for the correlation of pedo-geomorphic features. The main functions of the different soil cover types are discussed and guidelines to land-use planners and legislators for their protection and conservation are provided.

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How to Cite

Il contributo della cartografia pedologica alla conoscenza e messa in valore delle coperture quaternarie (F. Previtali & R. Rasio , Trans.). (1994). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 7(1b), 329-334.