Terrazzi marini pleistocenici della costa tirrenica della Calabria meridionale: Geocronologia e sollevamenti tettonici

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T. Miyauchi
G. Dai Pra
S. Sylos Labini


Marine terraces identified along the Tyrrhenian coast of southern Calabria are examined using geomorphological, bio-stratigraphic and chronological evidence. Terraces are correlated and an evaluation of the duration and age of the various sea level stands and of the uplift rate of the Calabrian Arc are reported.

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How to Cite
Miyauchi, T., G. Dai Pra, and S. Sylos Labini , trans. 1994. “Terrazzi Marini Pleistocenici Della Costa Tirrenica Della Calabria Meridionale: Geocronologia E Sollevamenti Tettonici”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 7 (1b): 303-4. https://doi.org/10.26382/.