Studio mineralogico e palinologico su alcuni sedimenti della grotta dell'Edera (Carso Triestino): Un tentativo di ricostruzione paleoclimatica

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L. Gallizia Vuerich
F. Princivalle


Mineralogic and palinologic components of sediments from the Edera Cave (NE Italy; 45°45'23.5"N - 1°14'36"E, 243 m s.l.m.) are reported. Data are used to develop a chronosequence and to highlight climatic variations, in particular using the relationship between different clay types (lllite, Chlorite, Kaolinite). Data, integrated with that from previous studies, indicate that the set spans the period from the Middle Dryas to the Sub-Boreal. Climate was initially cold with vegetation dominated by Compositae grass-land accompanied by Pinus, followed by oscillations tending towards a warmer climate in the Sub-Boreal with the formation of temperate mixed oak woodland similar to present-day vegetation.

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Studio mineralogico e palinologico su alcuni sedimenti della grotta dell’Edera (Carso Triestino): Un tentativo di ricostruzione paleoclimatica (L. Gallizia Vuerich & F. Princivalle , Trans.). (1994). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 7(2), 569-576.