Segnalazione di un suolo al Col Bechei (Dolomiti di Fanes) e il suo possibile significato neotettonico

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Mario Panizza
Dino Dibona


The Mt. Parei Conglomerate outcrops on Col Bechei and it dates from Upper Oligocene to Lower Miocene; Lias limestones overthrust this conglomerate in several places. There is a well-developed soil overlying the conglomerate in several points: washing phenomena on this paleosoil have created a deposit of siliceous gravels and pebbles. The hypothesis advanced is that the thrust of the Lias limestones over the conglomerate took place after the pedogenesis of the soil. Such an occurrence would involve the attribution of the last phase of neo-Alpine tectonics to recent times (from Middle Miocene to the beginning of Pleistocene).

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Segnalazione di un suolo al Col Bechei (Dolomiti di Fanes) e il suo possibile significato neotettonico (M. Panizza & D. Dibona , Trans.). (1990). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 3(1), 31-38.