Il sito preistorico dell'arco naturale di Capo Zafferano (Sicilia) aspetti geomorfologici e relazione con le variazioni del livello marino olocenico

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F. Antonioli
G. Belluomini
L. Ferranti
S. Improta
G. Reitano


A deposit of mollusk shell remains (Patella ferruginea and Trochus sp.) associated with stone artefacts (weapons, scrap-ers, etc.) of Mesolithic age, has been identified in an underwater cave (-20 m s.I.) at Capo Zafferano, a carbonatic promontory with steep cliffs 10 km E of Palermo (NW Sicily). Patella ferruginea samples are radiocarbon dated to 8960±130 yr B.P. calibrated to 9350÷9900 yr BP in agreement with archaeological dating. Underwater investigations indicate submerged terraces, at -16÷18 m below present sea-level, forming a continuous strip around the promontory and which provided access to the cave. Sea-level at 9500 yr B.P. at the site was about 25 m below the present level: this datum is in agreement with the Tyrrhenian Holocene sea-level curve.

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Il sito preistorico dell’arco naturale di Capo Zafferano (Sicilia) aspetti geomorfologici e relazione con le variazioni del livello marino olocenico (F. Antonioli, G. Belluomini, L. Ferranti, S. Improta, & G. Reitano , Trans.). (1994). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 7(1a), 109-118.