Dislocazioni fragili ad attività tettonica olocenica in Val Germanasca (Alpi Occidentali, provincia di Torino)

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G. Collo


A fault located in the upper Faetto valley (Val Germanasca) is described. The fault is 2 km long and is divided into two portions. In the southwestern portion the fault displaces glacial deposits dating to Upper Pleistocene - Holocene times, the 3 m high displacement scarp is subvertical with uniform morphological features throughout its height. In the northeastern portion surface deformation is documented by a trench in which the bedrock outcrops along the northwestern face, while the southeastern one develops inside landslide deposits. Morphogeological features, in particular where glacial deposits are faulted, suggestthat the displacement may be associated with local seismicity, which in the Pinerolo seismic district might have been greater than at present and with return times not detectable in historical data.

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How to Cite

Dislocazioni fragili ad attività tettonica olocenica in Val Germanasca (Alpi Occidentali, provincia di Torino) (G. Collo , Trans.). (1994). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 7(1a), 103-108. https://doi.org/10.26382/