Nota aggiuntiva alla malacofauna pleistocenica della Cava Tacconi nei pressi di Pomezia (Roma)
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Pliocenic clay deposits and sand-and-clay deposits of Lower Pleistocene age belonging to the "Monte delle Piche" Series (Emilian substage) outcrop near Pomezia, to the south of Rome, where a rich molluskan fauna was collected by the writers at the 'Tacconi quarry" a few years ago. Samples were taken from sand levels representing the bottom of pleistocenicdeposits in this area. The fossil fauna, amounting to 158 species (1 Brachyopod, 4 Scaphods, 75 Bivalves and 79 Gasteropods), was attributed to a biocenosis of infra-cirealittoraI environment including 20% of Pliocenic survivors, Hyafinea baltica and 2 "northernguests": Arctica islandica and Pseudamussium septemradiatum. Recently, new cuttings at the same quarry have brought to light 13 new molluskan species from the same sand levels. Among these, two other species of "northern guests" have been recognized: Chlamys islandica and Spisula elliptica, which were not common in the Mediterranean basin during Pleistocene times.
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