Weathering in Pleistocene badlands from Ionian calabria, southern Italy

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Iolanda Pulice
Paola Di Leo
Gaetano Robustelli
Fabio Scarciglia
Francesco Cavalcante
Claudia Belviso


ABSTRACT: Pulice I. et al., Weathering in Pleistocene badlands from Ionian calabria, southern Italy.  (IT ISSN 039-3356,2011) This work investigates the main factors and processes that control geochemistry and mineralogy of clay lithotypes affected by calanchi landforms in the area of Caulonia (RC), in southern Calabria. In the present study are shown the results obtained from a multidisciplinary study that integrates geomorphologic, chemical and mineralogical data by means of a multivariate statistic analysis using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method to extract factors. 

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How to Cite
Pulice, Iolanda, Paola Di Leo, Gaetano Robustelli, Fabio Scarciglia, Francesco Cavalcante, and Claudia Belviso , trans. 2011. “Weathering in Pleistocene Badlands from Ionian Calabria, Southern Italy”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 24 (Extended Abstract): 123-25.