Calibration of Osl Data: mismatch between stratigraphy and Osl chronology of sediments from the Po plain

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Laura Panzeri
Irene Zembo
Riccardo Bersezio
Marco Martini


ABSTRACT: Panzeri L. et al., Calibration of OSL data: mismatch between strat1ghraphy an d OSL chronology of sediments tram Po Plain. (IT ISSN 0394-3356, 2011) We present the results obtained with Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) on alluvial sediments from Po Plain. The ages obtained are in good agreement with stratighraphic position and with radiocarbon ages for the younger samples (latest Pleistocene) while there is an underestimation for the oldest samples (middle Pleistocene). The cause of this behaviour is discussed. 

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How to Cite
Panzeri, Laura, Irene Zembo, Riccardo Bersezio, and Marco Martini , trans. 2011. “Calibration of Osl Data: Mismatch Between Stratigraphy and Osl Chronology of Sediments from the Po Plain”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 24 (Extended Abstract): 114-16.