Nuovi dati geologici sui depositi quaternari della Conca Subaequana (Appennino abruzzese)

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E. Miccadei
R. Barberi
G. De Caterini


The Subaequan basin is elongated nothwestwards and is located on the right side of the Ate mo Valley, between L'Aquila Basin (to the northwest), the Sulmona Basin (to the southeast) and the Fucino Basin (eastward), in a sector of the Central Apennines that is characterized by a complex palaeogeographical and tectonic setting. The basin continental quaternary sequences are attributable to lacustrine, fluvial and slope environments. Their complex lithostratigraphic and palaeogeographic pattern, displaying lithofacies that change both along the vertical and horizontal direction, was defined. Tectonic setting is controlled by a fault system, which strikes in the NW-SE direction and is located on the eastern margin of the basin, where it cuts lacustrine deposits of Middle Pleistocene age. The basin evolution was controlled by tectonic and climatic actions, and appears to have been influenced also by tectono-sedimentary events occurred in the neighbouring basins (L'Aquila Basin, Atemo Valley and Sulmona basin) which were periodically in communication with the Subaequan Basin.

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How to Cite

Nuovi dati geologici sui depositi quaternari della Conca Subaequana (Appennino abruzzese) (E. Miccadei, R. Barberi, & G. De Caterini , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 10(2), 485-488.