Breve illustrazione di un contributo al Sottoprogetto ILP "Carta del Mondo delle principali faglie attive" per l'Italia settentrionale
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This paper briefly illustrates the preliminary contribution of Italy to the ILP subproject of the "World map of major active faults". Such contribution consists in the compilation of a "Map of the active faults in Holocene" (last 104 years) between the Po and Piave rivers and the Como lake and of a Catalogue of the Faults plotted on the map. Besides the various faults (numbered, classified as "active" and "supposed active" and subdivided into"outcropping" and "buried"), the "Map of the active faults in Holocene" also includes other Holocenic tectonic activities; namely: folds (anticlines and synclines), areal movements (uplifting, towering and tilting), epicenters of earthquakes in the study area with Richter's magnitude >6. The features of the faults are summarized on special data sheets. These data sheets, one for each fault system, list the coordinates of both extremities, its name, neotectonic references, the type of fault, attitude, displacement, length, main historical earthquakes (with the dates of the events magnitude) and the maximum and most frequent depths of focus), the period of activity, classification and any additional notes. Overall, 32 faults have been included on the map. Nine of these are "active" faults and 23 are "supposed active". When areal movement is considered, it is possible to distinguish five sectors differing in the type of movement. As regards the earthquakes, only four seismic events of intensities comparable to Richter's magnitude >6 occurred in the study area.
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