Depositi olocenici di spiaggia sollevati (Isola di Palmarola, Italia centrale)

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C. Carrara
G.B. Dai Pra


Littoral deposits, outcropping on the Palmarola Island (Central Italy), have been studied. The highest terraced deposit, made up of beach sediments with shell remains, reaches an elevation of 13+14 m a.s.l. and has been tilted in connection with deep-seated gravitational deformations that took place along the western coast of the island. The lowest deposit, composed of beach sediments passing upwards to aeolian sediments, reaches an elevation of about 6 m a.s.l. and has not been affected by the above mentioned tilting. On the basis of Isoleucine Epimerization analyses and C14 dating, both deposits resulted of the Holocene age. After their deposition, they underwent uplifting, connected to recent and still active tectonic movements, widespread in the studied area.

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How to Cite

Depositi olocenici di spiaggia sollevati (Isola di Palmarola, Italia centrale) (C. Carrara & G. Dai Pra , Trans.). (1992). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 5(1), 99-104.