Età dei depositi a Strombus bubonius di Vibo Valentia Marina (Italia meridionale)

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G. Dai Pra
T. Miyauchi
B. Anselmi
M. Galletti
G. Paganin


Near Vibo Valentia Marina in Calabria (southern Italy) there are littoral deposits forming a marine terrace whose inner margin is 50 m high a.s.l. These deposits contain in-situ specimens of Cladocora coespitosa in association with Strombus bubonius. Uranium-series age determinations date Cladocora coespitosa at 121 ±7 Ka. This age is consistent to the presence of S. bubonius corresponding to the hottest peak of the last interglacial period (oxygen isotope substage 5e). The dating of this terrace which is continuous all along the Capo Vaticano promontory, allowed us to correlate the shorelines of Capo Vaticano to one another for a sound interpretation of recent tectonic movements in South Calabria.

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How to Cite

Età dei depositi a Strombus bubonius di Vibo Valentia Marina (Italia meridionale) (G. Dai Pra, T. Miyauchi, B. Anselmi, M. Galletti, & G. Paganin , Trans.). (1993). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 6(1), 139-144.