Indagini geomorfologiche e polliniche lungo il tratto finale del Fiume Adda - la sezione dei Pra' Marci (Cremona, Italia)

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M. Marchetti
C. Ravazzi


The Holocene evolution of a Central Po Plain sector is reconstructed by means of geomorphological studies and pollen analyses on a peat horizon buried below fluvial sediments. The 14C age (5540 ± 190 y. B.P.) suggests that no large erosional phenomena along the main alpine rivers have occurred after the Atlantic climatic phase. Biostatic conditions are documented also by pollen spectra: the wood vegetation in the area was similar to the present potential forests (oak-hornbean mesophilous formations and alder hygrophilous formations). An important question is discussed about the beech presence, which is not included in the present potential vegetation of the Central Po Plain. This suggests more oceanic conditions in the late Atlantic bioclimate.

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Indagini geomorfologiche e polliniche lungo il tratto finale del Fiume Adda - la sezione dei Pra’ Marci (Cremona, Italia) (M. Marchetti & C. Ravazzi , Trans.). (1993). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 6(1), 93-102.