Indagini geofisiche e minero-petrografiche preliminari sulla vulcanoclastite di Carapelle Calvisio (L'aquila - Abruzzo)

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P.F. Biagi
V. Ferrini
A. Rossi
B. Santeddu


Geophysical and geopetrographic investigations have been carried out near Carapelle Calvisio and Castelvecchio Calvisio villages. The volcanoclastic deposit, 25 m in maximum apparent thickness, is made up of both volcanic products of an alkaline-potassic magmatism and other materials of different origin. The magnetic investigations evidenced 3 perturbing body, probably of magmatic origin, placed at a greater depth than the underlying sedimentary basement. The location of the body is related to a negative-positive anomaly in an area characterized by absence of magnetic anomalies. Geoelectric soundings showed the sedimentary basement at a depth of about 45 m. The investigations revealed that the magmatic products in this area can be related to a local volcanic activity.

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How to Cite
Biagi, P.F., V. Ferrini, A. Rossi, and B. Santeddu , trans. 1991. “Indagini Geofisiche E Minero-Petrografiche Preliminari Sulla Vulcanoclastite Di Carapelle Calvisio (L’aquila - Abruzzo)”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 4 (2): 411-18.

How to Cite

Biagi, P.F., V. Ferrini, A. Rossi, and B. Santeddu , trans. 1991. “Indagini Geofisiche E Minero-Petrografiche Preliminari Sulla Vulcanoclastite Di Carapelle Calvisio (L’aquila - Abruzzo)”. Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary 4 (2): 411-18.