Evoluzione tettonica e paleogeografica Plio-Pleistocenica dell'area di Roma
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Since 1986 the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica has started a research project for the assessment of possible local site effects in the urban area of Rome in view of its economical and social relevance, the peculiar geological situation and the potential for the occurrence of medium to large earthquakes in the surrounding areas (Boschi et al., 1987).
We present in this paper the results of the analysis and geologic interpretation of 1650 well logs collected from various sources. The detailed study of the subsurface geology, integrated with field observations, allowed us to restore the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Rome area since Upper Pliocene. Our attantion was especially focused on the complex role the volcanic products and the recent tectonic movements had in the Quatemary palaeogeographic evolution of the area.
It is also possible to identify from the presented subsurface data, the areas where, given a medium-size seismic input, local seismic respanse may be amplified to a considerable amplitude and thus become potentially dangerous.
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