Indizi geomorfologici di tettonica plio-quaternaria sul piedimonte adriatico dell'Appennino abruzzese

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P.P.C. Aucelli
G.P. Cavinato
A. Cinque


This paper presents the results of a morphostructural study of the Apennines foot-hill area in Abruzzo (SE Italy) from the Maiella range to the Adriatic sea. Aim of the study is to recognize the type and effects of tectonic activity on the morphological evolution. The studied area is characterized by marine and continental sediments of Pliocene-Quaternary age. The trend surface graphic reconstruction of the Pleistocene regressive surface indicates block faulting and several NNE-SSW trending morphotectonic elements.

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Indizi geomorfologici di tettonica plio-quaternaria sul piedimonte adriatico dell’Appennino abruzzese (P. Aucelli, G. Cavinato, & A. Cinque , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 9(1), 299-302.