Tipologia dei terrazzi vallivi ed evoluzione del rilievo nel versante adriatico dell'Appennino centro-settentrionale

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F. Fanucci
E. Moretti
O. Nesci
D. Savelli
F. Veneri


The fluvial landscape evolution of the North-central Apennines began during the Upper Pliocene and is still active today. Evolutionary stages are marked by erosional surfaces and subsequent valley terraces. Terraces indicate both the beginning and the different phases of the present drainage basins. Initially, up to six orders of tectonically controlled strath terraces were bevelled, followed by the development of four orders of alluvial terraces related to cold Middle-Upper Pleistocene phases. The study of the North-central Apennines valley terraces indicates that their morphogenesis was controlled by uplift rates which differed in both space and time.

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Tipologia dei terrazzi vallivi ed evoluzione del rilievo nel versante adriatico dell’Appennino centro-settentrionale (F. Fanucci, E. Moretti, O. Nesci, D. Savelli, & F. Veneri , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 9(1), 255-258. https://doi.org/10.26382/