The potential use of weather generators in palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological research: The SWELTER (synthetic weather estimator for land use and terrestrial ecosystem research) model

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S.P. Evans


The structure of the SWELTER model is outlined and used to introduce an overview of the potential use of weather generator models in palaeoecological and palaeoclimatic research. The suitability of such models to develop climate inputs for process-based biological and biophysical models addressing issues of landscape change during the Quaternary is outlined and illustrated. In particular, the possible use of integrated biospheric process models to develop simulations which are statistically independent of the palaeoecological record is highlighted. It is suggested that the integrated modelling approach could provide new insights into the potential dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems undergoing rapid environmental change in complex landscapes during the Quaternary.

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How to Cite

The potential use of weather generators in palaeoclimatic and palaeoecological research: The SWELTER (synthetic weather estimator for land use and terrestrial ecosystem research) model (S. Evans , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 9(2), 643-648.