Changes in mammal assemblages during the lateglacial-earliest Holocene

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D. Torre
L. Abbazzi
G. Ficcarelli
F. Masini
C. Mezzabotta
L. Rook


At first the main hypotheses on the causes of extinctions and reductions of mammal areals during the time interval last Pleniglacial-earliest Holocene, are briefly described. The faunal variations which occurred in Italy in this time interval are analysed. In the last Pleniglacial (Gravettian-early final Epigravettian cultural phases) areas with faunal assemblages characterized by the dominance of horses, or cervids, or caprines are recognizable. During Lateglacial-eariiest Holocene the faunal assemblages become as on average more uniform suggesting an increase of wooded area.

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Changes in mammal assemblages during the lateglacial-earliest Holocene (D. Torre, L. Abbazzi, G. Ficcarelli, F. Masini, C. Mezzabotta, & L. Rook , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 9(2), 551-560.