Variazioni idrodinamiche dei corsi d'acqua della Pianura Padana centrale connesse con la deglaciazione

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M. Marchetti


This paper studies the different fluvial system behaviours in the Alpine and Apennine plains of the central Po Plain after the last deglaciation. The dated events of the Apennine plain are related to geomorphologicai evidence at the top of the late Pleistocene Alpine aggradation surface. The parameters of abandoned hydrography in the Alpine plain, such as meander wavelength and curvature radius, are measured and compared to the present hydrography in order to estimate palaeodischarge in the glacial period.

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How to Cite

Variazioni idrodinamiche dei corsi d’acqua della Pianura Padana centrale connesse con la deglaciazione (M. Marchetti , Trans.). (2024). Alpine and Mediterranean Quaternary, 9(2), 465-472.